
  • Deepfake Abuse

    Imagine someone was to take images of you from the internet – innocent photgraphs of you taking part in everyday activities, splice them with pornographic and violent images and share them on the web. What would you do when you found out? Go to the police? What if I said this wasn’t an illegal activity…

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    I, Ursula begins with Averse Muse (p.7). A confident poem with a knowing humour, it warns men of the dangers of falling in love with female poets and the reader of what is to come. Here the word ‘suckles’ becomes a weapon, the poet’s honey persona sweet and dangerous as a gingerbread house.

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  • Beyond Measure – Poetry from the Woods

    I write on National Poetry Day with a link to the online exhibition for the Beyond Measure Project. My audio poem ‘The Force of their Lives’ was one of ten Cultural Institute commissions created for the exhibition. It is an experimental piece and best listened to with headphones and eyes closed. You can listen here…

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  • Opportunity for young writers to participate in online writing session/s with me and the Ilkley Literature Festival next week

    Workshop 1) Let’s rip up the rulebook and start again by creating fantastical and realistic future settings for our future selves and by using creativity to discover how we can all be forces for change. Workshop 2) Make artworks come to life and write pieces that move the reader.

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