Do you know any young people (between 12 and 18 years of age) who love creative writing, are interested in expressing their thoughts and emotions in words or just want to have a go at something different? I’m pleased to have been asked to run two online creative writing workshops for the Ilkley Literature Festival next week and there are still tickets available. The sessions have been planned to be fun and relaxed but with plenty of creative activities to take part in. I’m looking forward to meeting the writers and hearing their ideas.

Mon 24th Aug – 6–7:45pm – £10* – Age 12-18
Covid-19 and the climate emergency are forcing us to imagine new ways of being in the world. Join writer Becky Cherriman for this empowering Zoom workshop. Let’s rip up the rulebook and start again by creating fantastical and realistic future settings for our future selves and by using creativity to discover how we can all be forces for change.
If you would like to attend this workshop, please click here to book a ticket!
Thurs 27th Aug – 6-7:45pm – £10* – Age 12-18
Join writer Becky Cherriman for a Zoom workshop, where you will delve into the world of writing and art. Make artworks come to life and write pieces that move the reader.
If you would like to attend this workshop, please click here to book a ticket!
No experience necessary but all experiences welcome. *If ability to pay the full fee is a problem do get in touch with the festival staff (details on the link).
I’ll blog soon with more news including on the commission I’m working on for the Cultural Institute. In the meantime, take care and please spread the word (literally and in a literary manner).
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