Cinnamon Press
On the publication of my first poetry collection and why I’m too stubborn to pick one form or genre and stick to it
A word is dead When it is said, Some say. I say it just begins to live that day. – Emily Dickinson Come November 2016 my poems will live, not just in small gatherings at spoken word gigs or in anthologies, magazines and websites but en masse within a real paper and print…
Being Mentored & A New Creative Writing Course at The Tetley
News July saw me performing poetry in front of the camera. I was filmed in domestic scenes, at Flamborough Head with the lighthouse looming over me and during a performance at Belgrave. Having seen the works in progress of these videos, I can say that the camera crew led by Pru Fowler and editor Ben…
Blog Tour
Although a lot of exciting things have been happening over the last month, I’ll save those for another time. This is a blog on request. Poet Steve Ely, a fellow graduate of the Yorkshire Art Circus Writer Development Programme, asked me to be part of a relay of writers contributing to a blog tour in…