
  • All the Ps – poetry pamphlets and Poems, Prose and Pints 

    Blogging has had to move down my priority list over the last few months. I spent September and October immersed in stimulating literature festival events and delivering workshops to adults in the community as part of my role at the University of Leeds. Then I was struck with a nasty respiratory illness and laryngitis –…

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  • Haunt Commission

    To inhabit, visit, or appear to in the form of a ghost. A place much frequented. To haunt one’s thoughts or memory. Haunt was an Imove project with fiction writer Steve Toase that sprang from his experiences and grew into a book Haunt and site-specific theatre piece of the same name. The first incarnation of the show…

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  • Forthcoming Performances and Readings

    After a hectic literature festival season, I’m excited to have a flurry of performances and readings coming up.  My last was at Headingley Library on 8th October as part of the Headingley Festival of Ideas – a lovely event that gave a good taster of each poet’s work.  It was wonderful to be performing with…

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